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 Server Rules

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Posts : 39
Join date : 2010-03-08

Server Rules Empty
PostSubject: Server Rules   Server Rules EmptySun Mar 14, 2010 1:59 am

Server rules:
• Do not announce, whisper, yell, say or any form of communications of any other private server.

• No hacks. Using any form of hacks on L33twow is strictly illegal. We have logs, hack-sniffers and more active, and when caught we will show no mercy. Using hacks is a very serious crime in L33twow. If you choose to violate the rules and use hacks, you have no place on our servers and forums. You will be banned immediately when caught.

• Exploiting is against the rules. This is, but not limited to spell stacking, Trading soul bound items, duplicating items, equipping equipment in wrong slots etc.. If any player informs you that it is bug abuse and you continue to do it will result in a 24 hour account ban. Second offense will be permanent.

• Using any bug to your advantage to gain something you wouldn't be able to normally do is considered an exploit and will result in a ban.

• Environment exploits : being under any part of the map , or on top of something you normally wouldn't be able to get on top of or in a area off the normal maps is considered an exploit and will result in a ban without warning. This is known to cause crashes.

• Note: Mount stacking (using a speed glitch while mounted) is exploiting a bug. You are not allowed to use Dash, Aspect of the Cheetah, Aspect of the Pack, nor any other speed-increasing buff while mounted. The only speed modifiers permitted while mounted are the following:

* Carrot on a Stick
* Mithril Spurs
* Enchant Gloves - Riding
* Skill Riding
* Crop Talents

• Do not beg a Game Master, Donator, or any other L33twow member for gold, items, or levels. This is a PvP server, and the rates of experience, items, and gold are greatly increased. You are expected to acquire your own character's needs.

• Account selling / trading is prohibited in any form. Anybody caught doing this will result in ban of the account.

• Names and Guild names will be watched and if we find it offensive you will be forced to rename it.

• Do NOT use LFG or Trade channels asking for GM's help. That is what the ticket system for and there is good reason for it. We are just as human as you are and can only do so much at one time.

• Use of racism, sexism or any form of discrimination will be an instant permanent ban of account.

• NO PVPing is allowed in the shops!! This includes Dueling! We will create ports to locations where that can take place.

• If you have Donor gear, be sure to read the Donor rules!!

Respect Game Masters and Admins.

Regardless of where they are from, what race, ethnicity, or sexuality a Game Master has, they are working for the benefit of L33twow, and demand respect. Harassing a Game Master, or providing any form of disrespect to them, will be punished as harassment. Game Masters do all in their power to make sure that L33twow provides pleasure to the end users. They deserve respect; show them it!

• Is not allowed at all
• Is not allowed in Battlegrounds or Arenas
• You are not allowed to use hacks or 3rd party software to automate another character.
• You may not mutli-box to raid cities.
• You may not mutli-box for PVP advantages.

• Spamming a Ticket with the same issue after you received an answer will result 12 hour ban on your character.
• You are to explain your need in the ticket.
• DO NOT Say 'Help', or 'I need a GM', or 'Whisper me'.
• If you do not explain your exact situation in detail in the ticket your ticket will be deleted till you can do it correctly.

These rules are subject to change at any time. Be sure to update yourself frequently as you might miss out on very important information.
We thank you for taking the time to read our rules and wish you to enjoy your stay here in L33t WoW. Rule-abiding players are always welcome; invite your friends! We strive to make this the best gaming experience possible!
Thank you,
L33twow Team

* Thanks to Drek for working hard on this template to provide for the players and GMs.

Last edited by lbflle on Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo on 24 hours account ban. You wrote "24 account ban". Sounded like you have to ban 24 accounts.)
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